Episode 1
English is a language that has a lot of confusing words. This podcast series introduces you to some of them.
Episode 2
Learn about the confusing words ‘effect’ and ‘affect’.
Episode 3
Listen to this podcast episode and learn about the confusing words ‘loose’ and ‘lose’.
Episode 4
Listen to this podcast episode and learn about the confusing words ‘principal’’ and ‘principle’.
Episode 5
Listen to this podcast episode and learn about the confusing words ‘accept’ and ‘except’.
Episode 6
Listen to this podcast episode and learn about the confusing words ‘further’ and ‘farther’.
Episode 7
Listen to this podcast episode and learn about the confusing words ‘who’ and ‘whom’.
Episode 8
Listen to this podcast episode and learn about the confusing words ‘it’s’ and ‘its’.
Episode 9
Listen to this podcast episode and learn about the confusing words ‘then’ and ‘than’.
Episode 10
Listen to this podcast episode and learn about the confusing words ‘your’ and ‘you’re’.
Episode 11
Listen to this podcast episode and learn about the confusing words ‘there’, ‘their’ and ‘they’re’.
Episode 12
Listen to this podcast episode and learn about the confusing words ‘complement’ and ‘compliment’.
Episode 13
Listen to this podcast episode and learn about the confusing words ‘desert’ and ‘dessert’.
Episode 14
Listen to this podcast episode and learn about the confusing words ‘stationary’ and ‘stationery’.
Episode 15
Listen to this podcast episode and learn about the confusing words ‘advice’ and ‘advise’.
Episode 16
Listen to this podcast episode and learn about the confusing words ‘emigrate’ and ‘immigrate’.
Episode 17
Listen to this podcast episode and learn about the confusing words ‘prospect’ and ‘prospective’.
Episode 18
Listen to this podcast episode and learn about the confusing words ‘precede’ and ‘proceed’.
Episode 19
Listen to this podcast episode and learn about the confusing words ‘allude’ and ‘elude’.
Episode 20
The English language consists of numerous words that sound, and look similar. Do not confuse them ever again. Listen to this podcast and improve your vocabulary.