Getting into university & life at university in the UK
by MollyDescription: In this series, we talk about the application process for overseas students, and what life will be like once you arrive at your desired university in the UK.
Episode 1
An introduction into what this series will be covering.
Episode 2
Essential words, phrases and questions for your application to university, as well as when you arrive.
Episode 3
Essential words, phrases and questions for your application to university, as well as when you arrive. Part 2
Episode 4
Essential words, phrases and questions for your application to university, as well as when you arrive. Part 3
Episode 5
English language requirements for overseas students.
Episode 6
English language requirements for overseas students. Part 2
Episode 7
Explaining the application process and where to find information.
Episode 8
Explaining the application process and where to find information. Part 2
Episode 9
Explaining the application process and where to find information. Part 3
Episode 10
Covering what finance options are available to an overseas student.
Episode 11
How to apply for a visa as an international student. What the costs are, how long you can stay, etc.
Episode 12
How the year will be structured. Approximate dates for holidays.
Episode 13
How you will be tested at university and the structure.
Episode 14
Explaining the structure of a module within a course.
Episode 15
Information about Halls of Residence at university and the options available.
Episode 16
Continuing on the topic of Halls of Residence
Episode 17
What is the student union?
Episode 18
What to expect once you arrive in your new home!
Episode 19
Sports clubs and recreational societies that are available at universities.
Episode 20
Part time jobs that are available to students.