Episode 1
This episode introduces the series – which areas of grammar will be included and how you will benefit.
Episode 2
In this episode we look at what the continuous tenses are and how we form them; we also examine the uses of present continuous.
Episode 3
In this one we move on to the uses of the past continuous.
Episode 4
In this episode we look into the future and how we use the future continuous tense.
Episode 5
In this episode we learn about verbs that can have two objects – direct and indirect.
Episode 6
In this one we consider nouns which are used to describe groups of people or things.
Episode 7
In this episode we examine reflexive pronouns, which are used when an object is the same person or thing as the subject of the sentence.
Episode 8
In this one we look at two often confused prepositional phrases – in the end & at the end
Episode 9
In this episode we look at when & how to use the modal, ought to
Episode 10
In our final episode of the series we consider relative clauses using where & that to refer to places