Episode 1
Listening is an inevitable part of improving your speaking skills. Come and listen to this podcast to practice listening.
Episode 2
Come and listen to this reading of the story and answer the five questions asked at the end of the episode.
Episode 3
Are you all interested to know the rest of the story? Come and find out from this episode.
Episode 4
How interesting is Alice’s adventure? Listen to this episode and be thrilled.
Episode 5
Do you want to find out the answers for the questions? Hurry up and listen to this episode.
Episode 6
Alice is falling down the rabbit hole. What happens to her next? Listen to this episode and find out.
Episode 7
“Thump. Thump”, Alice fell down the hole. Don’t you want to know the rest of the story? Listen to this episode.
Episode 8
How is Alice doing inside the rabbit hole. Let’s find out by listening to this episode.
Episode 9
Alice found a little golden key. Do you want to know more about it? Today’s episode is waiting for you. Come and listen.
Episode 10
Did Alice open the door? Come and find out by listening to this episode.