Simple stories for children
by SanchanaListen to simple stories in English for children ages 5 and above
Episode 1
One day a cock found a pearl. What does it do with it?
Episode 2
A greedy dog loses its bone to a shadow.
Episode 3
Gratitude and greed do not go together.
Episode 4
A cruel lion cheats his friends.
Episode 5
A man tries to be friends with a snake that bit his son.
Episode 6
A country mouse visits the town.
Episode 7
A fox cleverly takes away the crow’s cheese.
Episode 8
A tiny mouse saves the mighty lion, and they become friends.
Episode 9
The rabbits think they are the most cowards, till they see the frogs.
Episode 10
A child teases a wolf and the wolf responds to it.
Episode 11
A man saves a snake, but later kills it himself.
Episode 12
A fox is mean to a stork, so it plays tit for tat.
Episode 13
The grasshopper learns a very important lesson from the ant about hard work.
Episode 14
The members of the body go on strike because they feel the belly isn’t doing its share of work.
Episode 15
Lying is a bad habit. A young shepherd learns how lying can destroy everything.
Episode 16
We must not hate something just because we could not achieve it.
Episode 17
It is better to be free and hungry than a well fed slave.
Episode 18
Even a 100 ideas couldn’t save the fox.
Episode 19
A story of how the trees helped a person just to be destroyed.
Episode 20
The fox learnt how to face its biggest fear.