Study Materials:
- Lesson Videos
- Lesson Documents
- Tests
- Worksheets
For ages: 12 and above
B1 Grammar – A comprehensive grammar course for intermediate level
Level 5
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Course Details
Comprehensive step-by-step guide to English grammar for students of pre-intermediate level covering all components suggested to reach the B1 standard or level as set out in the CEFR guidelines. [CEFR = Common European Framework of reference for Languages: Learning Teaching Assessment]
Aims & objectives: To understand the grammar elements necessary to:
- understand the main points in conversations on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school or leisure situations;
- deal with most situations likely to arise while travelling;
- produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest; and
- describe your experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
Suitable for: Students of all ages who want to improve their English grammar and work towards an internationally recognised standard of proficiency especially useful for pre-intermediate students (A2 level) who wish to progress to more advanced English proficiency.
Also suitable for school pupils to supplement English classes [from Y8+ / grade 7+ / age 12+]; or university students wanting to improve or maintain English skills.
Possible benefits:
For your career: The course follows the syllabus guidelines for the CEFR B1 level - an internationally recognised language standard; therefore completing the course and obtaining your certificate can prove language proficiency to this level which can be useful when applying for jobs at international companies.
Generally: Improve the use of grammar and aid in conversational English and written English
Study time: This course involves approximately 90 – 150 hours of study.
Premium: This is a signature premium course so you need to subscribe to our premium membership
Certificate: A certificate is awarded upon successful completion of the course
Related/similar courses: This course is the second in a series of similar signature grammar courses following the CEFR guidelines; the next course is B2 upper- intermediate level.
Course content: Multi-media course comprising 18 chapters covering these important elements of English grammar:
- common verb tenses (present simple, present continuous and past simple)
- present perfect simple & continuous
- past continuous
- future continuous
- past perfect
- verb patterns including infinitives
- the passive
- questions including question tags and short answers
- nouns
- determiners
- pronouns
- prepositions
- modal verbs
- reported speech
- relative clauses
- conditionals
- adjectives
- adverbs including conjunctive adverbs (subordinators)
Comprehensive course materials are provided which include:
- 132 lesson videos
- 122 worksheets
- 113 progress tests
- pdfs of everything
- 18 chapter assessments
Lessons Plan
Course Introduction
Course Introduction
Introduction to Chapter 1
Introduction to Chapter 1 -
Lesson 1
Present Simple: Using do/does for emphasis -
Lesson 2
Using Present Continuous for present habits -
Lesson 3
Past Simple for past habits and states -
Lesson 4
Past Simple for sequencing actions in the past -
Lesson 5
Using Past Simple to talk about the present (with wish & would)
Introduction to Chapter 2
Introduction to Chapter 2 -
Lesson 1
Present Perfect for life experiences -
Lesson 2
Present Perfect: Finished actions with a result in the present -
Lesson 3
Present Perfect: Recently finished actions (just) -
Lesson 4
Present Perfect: Reporting progress and other uses with already & yet -
Lesson 5
Present Perfect: Unfinished time period with for & since -
Lesson 6
Past Simple OR Present Perfect? -
Lesson 7
Present Perfect Continuous Forms -
Lesson 8
Present Perfect Continuous Uses: Unfinished or ongoing actions
Introduction to Chapter 3
Introduction to Chapter 3 -
Lesson 1
Past continuous forms -
Lesson 2
Past continuous uses: Events at a point in time -
Lesson 3
Past continuous uses: Events in progress at a certain time -
Lesson 4
Past continuous uses: Setting the scene -
Lesson 5
Past continuous uses: Habits in the past -
Lesson 6
Future in the past: Was/Were going to
Introduction to Chapter 4
Introduction to Chapter 4 -
Lesson 1
Future continuous forms -
Lesson 2
Future continuous uses: Continuous actions in the future -
Lesson 3
Future continuous uses: Events that will be in progress at a certain time in the future -
Lesson 4
Future continuous uses: Events that we expect to happen in the future -
Lesson 5
Future continuous or Future simple?
Introduction to Chapter 5
Introduction to Chapter 5 -
Lesson 1
Past perfect forms -
Lesson 2
Past perfect short forms -
Lesson 3
Past perfect uses: At a point in time -
Lesson 4
Past perfect uses: To explain a reason
Introduction to Chapter 6
Introduction to Chapter 6 -
Lesson 1
make & let -
Lesson 2
verb + direct object + infinitive -
Lesson 3
verb + infinitive -
Lesson 4
verbs with two objects
Introduction to Chapter 7
Introduction to Chapter 7 -
Lesson 1
How to form the passive -
Lesson 2
Past simple passive form -
Lesson 3
Continuous tenses (Present and Past) -
Lesson 4
Perfect tenses (Present and Past) -
Lesson 5
Future simple passive form -
Lesson 6
The passive with modals -
Lesson 7
The passive with infinitives
Introduction to Chapter 8duction to Chapter 8
Introduction to Chapter 8oduction to Chapter 8 -
Lesson 1
Subject and Object questions -
Lesson 2
Question tags -
Lesson 3
Question tags: Present tenses -
Lesson 4
Question tags: Past tenses -
Lesson 5
Question tags: Future tenses -
Lesson 6
Short answers to agree -
Lesson 7
Short answers: Present tenses -
Lesson 8
Short answers: Past tenses -
Lesson 9
Short answers: Future tenses
Introduction to Chapter 9
Introduction to Chapter 9 -
Lesson 1
Nouns that are always plural -
Lesson 2
Collective nouns -
Lesson 3
Articles used with geographical features -
Lesson 4
Articles used with abstract nouns -
Lesson 5
Using the other, other or another with nouns
Introduction to Chapter 10
Introduction to Chapter 10 -
Lesson 1
Using Determiners -
Lesson 2
Such -
Lesson 3
Either -
Lesson 4
Introduction to Chapter 11
Introduction to Chapter 11 -
Lesson 1
Review of pronouns -
Lesson 2
Reflexive pronouns -
Lesson 3
Reflexive pronouns: Exceptions -
Lesson 4
By + Reflexive pronoun (to mean alone) -
Lesson 5
Each other (as a pronoun)
Introduction to Chapter 12
Introduction to Chapter 12 -
Lesson 1
As & Like -
Lesson 2
By & With: To show how to do things -
Lesson 3
For: To show purpose -
Lesson 4
At & In: Used with buildings /Places -
Lesson 5
At the end or In the end -
Lesson 6
In time or On time -
Lesson 7
Prepositions after verbs -
Lesson 8
Prepositions after adjectives -
Lesson 9
Prepositions after nouns
Introduction to Chapter 13
Introduction to Chapter 13 -
Lesson 1
Modals for logical necessity -
Lesson 2
Modals for logical possibility -
Lesson 3
Must for recommendations and offers -
Lesson 4
Modals of advice – ought to -
Lesson 5
Be supposed to -
Lesson 6
Used to + infinitive -
Lesson 7
Be used to & get used to -
Lesson 8
Modals for politeness
Introduction to Chapter 14
Introduction to Chapter 14 -
Lesson 1
How to make reported speech -
Lesson 2
Present tenses -
Lesson 3
Past tenses -
Lesson 4
Perfect tenses -
Lesson 5
Future tenses -
Lesson 6
Reported speech with modal verbs -
Lesson 7
Changing pronouns -
Lesson 8
Time expressions in reported speech
Introduction to Chapter 15
Introduction to Chapter 15 -
Lesson 1
Introduction to relative clauses -
Lesson 2
Defining relative clauses -
Lesson 3
Non-defining relative clauses -
Lesson 4
Reduced relative clauses -
Lesson 5
Relative pronouns: introduction -
Lesson 6
Relative pronouns: who or whom -
Lesson 7
Relative pronouns: which & that -
Lesson 8
Relative pronouns: whose -
Lesson 9
Relative pronouns: when & where
Introduction to Chapter 16
Introduction to Chapter 16 -
Lesson 1
Introduction to conditionals -
Lesson 2
The zero conditional -
Lesson 3
The first conditional -
Lesson 4
Future real conditionals using modal verbs -
Lesson 5
The second conditional -
Lesson 6
Using unless in the conditional clause
Introduction to Chapter 17
Introduction to Chapter 17 -
Lesson 1
Order of adjectives -
Lesson 2
Comparative adjectives repeated -
Lesson 3
Comparatives: using a clause after than -
Lesson 4
Comparatives: using a gerund after than -
Lesson 5
Superlatives with the present perfect -
Lesson 6
Compound adjectives -
Lesson 7
Predictive adjectives
Introduction to Chapter 18
Introduction to Chapter 18 -
Lesson 1
Adverbs of focus: even, just & only -
Lesson 2
Adverbs of focus: particularly & especially -
Lesson 3
Adverbs of time -
Lesson 4
Adverbs of time: still -
Lesson 5
Adverbs of time: any more & any longer -
Lesson 6
Adverbs and conjunctions for linking (1) -
Lesson 7
Adverbs and conjunctions for linking (2) -
Lesson 8
Adverbs and conjunctions for linking (3) -
Lesson 9
Adverbs and conjunctions for linking (4) -
Lesson 10
Adverbs and conjunctions for linking (5)
Review & Final Assessment
Review & Final Assessment -
REVIEW: Chapters 1 - 7
REVIEW: Chapters 1 - 7 -
REVIEW: Chapters 8 - 12
REVIEW: Chapters 8 - 12 -
REVIEW: Chapters 13 - 16
REVIEW: Chapters 13 - 16 -
REVIEW: Chapters 17 & 18
REVIEW: Chapters 17 & 18