Study Materials:
- Lesson Videos
- Lesson Documents
- Tests
- Worksheets
For ages: 8 and above
A2 Grammar - Chapter 1 - 7
Level 4
After purchasing, the course will be available on the website and mobile app. Red Fox Education mobile app is available free to download on Google Play and App Store.
Course Introduction
Course Details
- use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases
- introduce yourself and others
- ask and answer questions about personal details such as where you live, what you do, who you know and things you have
- interact with others in simple conversation
Suitable for: students of all ages who want to improve their English grammar and work towards an internationally recognised standard of proficiency
especially useful for advanced beginners (above a basic level but need to add to that level) in English proficiency or those who are returning to study after a period of absence and want to relearn principles of English grammar
also suitable for school pupils to supplement English classes [from Y5+ / grade 4 +/ age 8+]; or university students wanting to improve or maintain English skills.generally: improve the use of grammar and aid in conversational English.
Study time: this course involves approximately 30 – 40 hours of study
Premium: this is a signature premium course so you need to subscribe to our premium membership
Certificate: a certificate is awarded upon successful completion of the course
Course content: multi-media course comprising 7 chapters covering these important elements of English grammar:
Comprehensive course materials are provided which include:
- lesson videos
- progress tests
- PDFs of everything
- 7 Chapter assessments
- Final assessment – comprehensive end-of-course assessment leading to the award of the certificate
Lessons Plan
Course Introduction
Course Introduction
Introduction -
Lesson 1
Present tense review -
Lesson 2
Using present simple for the future -
Lesson 3
Using present continuous for the future -
Lesson 4
Using present continuous for temporary situations -
Lesson 5
Stative verbs -
Lesson 6
Present simple OR present continuous? -
A2 Grammar Assessment - Chapter 1
Introduction -
Lesson 1
Past tense review -
Lesson 2
Past simple with irregular verbs -
Lesson 3
Commonly used irregular verbs -
Lesson 4
Past simple for completed actions -
A2 Grammar Assessment - Chapter 2
Introduction -
Lesson 1
Present perfect forms -
Lesson 2
Spelling and pronunciation for past participle regular verbs -
Lesson 3
Past participle irregular verbs -
Lesson 4
Uses: life experiences (ever & never) -
Lesson 5
Past simple OR present perfect? -
Lesson 6
Been OR Gone? -
A2 Grammar Assessment - Chapter 3
Introduction -
Lesson 1
Review of future simple -
Lesson 2
Uses of future simple with will -
Lesson 3
Will & Won’t for requests, offers, refusals and promises -
Lesson 4
Uses of future simple using be going to -
Lesson 5
Be going to for predictions -
Lesson 6
Will or be going to? -
Lesson 7
Future simple or present tenses? -
A2 Grammar Assessment - Chapter 4
Introduction -
Lesson 1
Review of gerunds -
Lesson 2
Review of infinitives -
Lesson 3
Grammar patterns with gerunds -
Lesson 4
Infinitive of purpose -
Lesson 5
Gerund or infinitive? Part One: verb + gerund -
Lesson 6
Gerund or infinitive? Part Two: verb + infinitive -
Lesson 7
Gerund or infinitive? Part Three: verbs followed by gerund or infinitive -
A2 Grammar Assessment - Chapter 5
Introduction -
Lesson 1
Review of nouns -
Lesson 2
Articles for nouns -
Lesson 3
Indefinite articles -
Lesson 4
Definite article -
Lesson 5
Nouns already talked about in the conversation -
Lesson 6
Talking in general -
Lesson 7
Articles with countries and cities, and with languages and people -
A2 Grammar Assessment - Chapter 6
Introduction -
Lesson 1
Review of determiners -
Lesson 2
Using of with review of determiners quantifiers -
Lesson 3
enough, enough of, not enough (of) -
Lesson 4
Plenty (of) -
Lesson 5
not any, no, none, none of -
Lesson 6
Every, each, all -
A2 Grammar Assessment - Chapter 7