Study Materials:
- Lesson Videos
- Lesson Audios
- Lesson Documents
- Tests
- Worksheets
For ages: 16 and above
Business English Course | Initiate | Part 1
USD 25
After purchasing, the course will be available on the website and mobile app. Red Fox Education mobile app is available free to download on Google Play and App Store.
Welcome Video
Course Details
- key vocabulary, including common expressions and phrases, for a variety of subjects and topics
- presentation, negotiation and business management skills and tools
- interaction with others in meetings, conferences and events and for a variety of other business situations and contexts
- writing for business, including emails and reports.
Suitable for: The course is designed for busy professionals who want to improve their English communication skills, for college students pursuing business related degrees or diploma courses, which includes those in senior high school taking business studies, and also suitable for people who just want to learn more about business issues and the language that native English speakers use in these situations.
Possible benefits: for your career: English is the international language of the business world. Your ability to communicate effectively in English can advance your career prospects and help you achieve a promotion and/or higher salary.
for your studies: complement and enhance your business course (degree, diploma or school qualification) by learning more effective communication skills in business contexts and settings.
generally: improve your knowledge of English and learn some key business skills.
Study time: this course involves approximately 25 – 40 hours of study.
Premium: this is a signature premium course so you need to subscribe to our premium membership.
Course program and content: The course contains 5 chapters:
Initiate – Part 1:
- Chapter 1 – Greetings & Introductions
- Chapter 2 – Businesses & Companies
- Chapter 3 – Products & Services
- Chapter 4 – Meetings 1
- Chapter 5 – Meetings 2
Lessons Plan
Business English - Introduction
Introduction -
Study Plan - Video
Study Plan - Video
Lesson Documents for Chapter 1
Lesson Documents for Chapter 1 -
Lesson 1
Greetings -
Lesson 2
Language Focus -
Lesson 3
Countries and Nationalities -
Lesson 4
Asking and answering questions -
Lesson 5
Introducing yourself to a group -
Lesson 6
Lesson Documents for Chapter 2
Lesson Documents for Chapter 2 -
Lesson 1
Company Jargon -
Lesson 2
Company organisation -
Lesson 3
Company personnel -
Lesson 4
Language focus -
Lesson 5
Talking about your company -
Lesson 6
Lesson Documents for Chapter 3
Lesson Documents for Chapter 3 -
Lesson 1
Products and Services -
Lesson 2
Orders -
Lesson 3
Orders by phone -
Lesson 4
Language focus -
Lesson 5
Confirming an order -
Lesson 6
Negotiating prices and terms -
Lesson 7
Lesson Documents for Chapter 4
Lesson Documents for Chapter 4 -
Lesson 1
Meetings: Introduction -
Lesson 2
Arranging a Meeting [1] -
Lesson 3
Arranging a Meeting [2] -
Lesson 4
Preparing an Agenda -
Lesson 5
Leading a meeting part 1 & part 2 -
Lesson 6
Language focus -
Lesson 7
Presenting an idea -
Lesson 8
Lesson Documents for Chapter 5
Lesson Documents for Chapter 5 -
Lesson 1
Language Focus -
Lesson 2
Defending an idea [1] -
Lesson 3
Defending an idea [2] -
Lesson 4
Making suggestions -
Lesson 5
Delegating -
Lesson 6