Study Materials:
- Lesson Videos
- Lesson Documents
- Tests
- Worksheets
For ages: 8 and above
Modal verbs can & could as modals of ability
After purchasing, the course will be available on the website and mobile app. Red Fox Education mobile app is available free to download on Google Play and App Store.
Course Introduction Video
Course Details
Aims & objectives: to understand the different uses of can & could:
- to talk about present abilities
- to talk about past abilities
- to compare past and present abilities
so that you can use them effectively in your conversations and in written forms.
Suitable for: students of all ages who want to improve their English grammar. Also suitable for school pupils to supplement English classes [from Y5+ / grade 4 +/ age 8+]; or university students wanting to improve or maintain English skills.
Possible benefits: improve the use of grammar and aid in conversational English for a variety of situations.
Study time: this course should take under 2 hours to complete.
Free: this is a free course
Related/similar courses: this topic is covered in greater detail, together with several other prepositions, in our A1 Signature Grammar Course.
Also, more similar mini-courses will be rolled out throughout 2023
Lessons Plan
Course Introduction
Course Introduction -
Lesson 1
Modal Verbs -
Lesson 2
Can & Could as modals of ability