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The texting culture : Good or bad?

With texting becoming the primary mode of communication for many individuals, especially students, has it led to a decline in students' communication skills?

Author Sanchana S
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7 ways to improve your fluency

We'll explore 7 practical steps that will help you improve your fluency and become a more articulate and confident communicator.

Author Sanchana S
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Why & who should learn Business English

Business English has become a crucial skill for professionals who want to succeed in today's global marketplace.

Author Sanchana S
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Little, A Little, Few, A Few - How to use them?

Do you ever find yourself confused about when to use “little”, “a little”, “a few” and “few”?

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See vs watch vs look

Three words that are often used interchangeably, but have distinct meanings are "see", "watch", and "look"

Author Sanchana S
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Fascinating Idioms You've Probably Never Heard Of Jun 29, 2024 0 Likes | No Comments
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A Guide to Asking Effective Questions May 16, 2024 0 Likes | No Comments
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Why different states celebrate different New Years? Apr 13, 2024 0 Likes | No Comments
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English beyond a Subject Apr 10, 2024 0 Likes | No Comments

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  • Grammar
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