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The texting culture : Good or bad?

With texting becoming the primary mode of communication for many individuals, especially students, has it led to a decline in students' communication skills?

Author Sanchana S
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AI Can Create Stories—but Is It Any Good?

Can AI truly match the creative prowess and emotional depth of stories crafted by human writers? Let's explore the capabilities of AI-generated stories and examine the unique qualities that human storytelling brings to the table.

Author Sanchana S
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7 ways to improve your fluency

We'll explore 7 practical steps that will help you improve your fluency and become a more articulate and confident communicator.

Author Sanchana S
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Incredible Idioms: How many English idioms do you know?

The origins of idioms can also be fascinating – in many cases, the reason behind the saying is lost to antiquity ('the mists of time'). Because of this, sometimes there are several theories as to when and why the idiom was first used.

Author David Lines
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See vs watch vs look

Three words that are often used interchangeably, but have distinct meanings are "see", "watch", and "look"

Author Sanchana S

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  • Vocabulary
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