Interesting articles & blogs on English language, reading & writing.


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Why different states celebrate different New Years?

Let's talk about the intriguing reasons behind why different states in India celebrate New Year at different times.

Author Sanchana S
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English beyond a Subject

Understanding the distinction between English as a subject and English as a language is crucial for appreciating its broader significance in our lives

Author Sanchana S
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Finding the Right English Course for You: A Simple Guide

Whether you're a beginner looking to grasp the basics or an advanced learner aiming to refine your language skills, choosing the right English course is essential for your learning journey.

Author Sanchana S
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A note of Gratitude: UMAGINE TN

As the vibrant atmosphere of Umagine unfolded around us, our stall became a hub of activity, drawing in a diverse crowd ranging from enthusiastic students to curious parents and accomplished CEOs

Author Sanchana S
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A Simple Guide to Commonly Confused Words in English

Fear not! In the vast world of English, there are some tricky pairs that often cause confusion.

Author Sanchana S
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The Evolution of Language : From Acronyms to Everyday Vernacular

In recent years, the integration of internet culture into our daily lives has given rise to a new phenomenon – the absorption of online abbreviations and acronyms into mainstream language.

Author Sanchana S
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The Impact of a Clean Social Media Profile on Your Career

Content we post online can have a significant impact on our professional lives, especially during the hiring process.

Author Sanchana S
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A Beginner's Guide to Writing Poetry

Becoming a poet doesn't require a special talent or a secret handshake—it simply demands your willingness to explore the depths of your emotions and imagination.

Author Sanchana S
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Crafting and Conquering Your Bucket List

It's the perfect time to reflect on your dreams, set new goals, and embrace the excitement of the unknown.

Author Sanchana S
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The Science Behind Snowflakes

Have you ever wondered why each snowflake is unique? Let's talk about the science behind snowflakes and unravel the secrets of their captivating diversity.

Author Sanchana S
Red Fox Education